“Under Your Feet” is a photographic project that explores the dramatic transformation of the Sicilian landscape and its social and environmental consequences. Through powerful and moving images, the project documents soil erosion, chemical pollution, salinization, and climate change that have devastated this land. The photos reveal how intensive farming, abandonment of rural areas, cementation, and fires, worsened by ill-advised political decisions, have compromised soil quality, resulting in a significant annual loss of productive land. It depicts a land impoverished, leading to impoverished people, forcing thousands to migrate beyond borders and into cities—a looming social crisis, with Sicily at risk of social and human desertification due to continued emigration, low birth rates, and societal aridification. “Under Your Feet” is a visual alarm and an invitation to reflect on the roots of the crisis, offering an intimate and urgent glimpse into a land struggling to survive and thrive.

Discorsi Fotografici
PH Museum
Gente di Fotografia
Suq Magazine|Unconventional Sicily
– Il Fotografo

– Narnimmaginaria 2022 Photography Festival
– Arles 2024 : La nuit du photojournalism (Dysturb)
– Mosaico Festival 2024 (Dysturb, Magnum Foundation, 2LAB)